女性専用風俗 鹿児島秘密基地 (出張専門) | For single women only
営業時間: 11:00〜翌4:00

For single women only

Aroma & Fantasy Massage Course

70/90/120/150 minute courses are available. We recommend a longer course such as 120 minutes course to enjoy an extraordinary time at leisure.

Course 11:00 - 4:00 pm

70-minute course ¥11,000

*Only available at Kagoshima Chuo Station.

No waiting time

90-minute course ¥16,500

120 min. course ¥22,000

150-minute course ¥27,500

If you wish to use more than 180 minutes course, you can use a combination of courses.

[Example] 3 hours use (180 min.) = 90 min. course x 2

[Example] 5 hours of use (300 minutes) = 150-minute course x 2

[Example] 7.5 hours use (450 minutes) = 150 minute course x 3

Nomination fee is also x2, x3, x4, etc.

Reservations can be made on the same day, and reservations can be made up to 10 days in advance.

(Reservations made through DM are also accepted up to 10 days in advance.)

If you cancel your reservation, you will only be able to make a same-day reservation for your next visit.

トップページ ご夫婦・カップルの方へ
サービス案内 料金システム
スケジュール すぐ会える即メン
セラピスト紹介 ランキング
イベント 前日予約状況
口コミ 求人案内
よくあるQ&A メールマガジン
利用施設説明 お問い合わせ
Copyright(c)2014 鹿児島秘密基地. All rights reserved.