女性専用風俗 鹿児島秘密基地 (出張専門) | Attention to our customers
営業時間: 11:00〜翌4:00

Attention to our customers

First of all

By using our store, you agree to be bound by the following terms and conditions.

Our store may change the Terms of Use at any time.

In such cases, a revised version of the Terms of Use will be posted, so please check the latest version each time you use the site.

Terms and Conditions

In order for our therapists to be able to provide better service, please strictly abide by these prohibited items.

Use by persons under 20 years of age

Any act of sexual intercourse, demand for sexual intercourse, or any act incidental to sexual intercourse.

We prohibit any sexual intercourse.

Excessive demands for services that are not included in our service menu, or acts that the therapist does not like (or that cause pain).

Eavesdropping and voyeurism.

If we find any of these behaviors, we will report it to the police as a criminal act.

Please be aware that taking pictures with a camera phone is also a criminal offense.

Scouting for men or use of men related to the same industry.

Use by persons related to organized crime groups or those in the same business

Use by persons under the influence of drugs (marijuana, stimulants, thinner, etc.)

Persons under the influence of intoxicants

Persons infected with STDs or other contagious diseases

The same applies to those who refuse to shower (washing of the whole body and the area around the body) or gargle before play.

The same applies to those who refuse to shower (full-body and local cleansing) or rinse before play.

In the event of verbal abuse or violence toward our staff or therapists.

Those who have attempted to meet without going through our store, or those who have met without going through our store (out-of-store dates, mistress contracts, etc.).

Those who have been coerced to give a personal discount or a free extension.

Pregnant women

When there is any other behavior that the therapist does not like.

Please be aware that you will be fined 1,000,000 yen if you are found to have been extorted.

Final confirmation

If any of the above applies to you, we will ask you to refrain from using our store.

If any of the above is found to be the case even during the service, the service will be immediately suspended.

Please note that we will not refund any fees in such cases.

In addition, you will be asked to refrain from using our store at all and your membership registration will be cancelled.

If we deem it necessary, we will ask you to accompany us to the local police station upon presentation of your ID.

We ask for your understanding in advance.

トップページ ご夫婦・カップルの方へ
サービス案内 料金システム
スケジュール すぐ会える即メン
セラピスト紹介 ランキング
イベント 前日予約状況
口コミ 求人案内
よくあるQ&A メールマガジン
利用施設説明 お問い合わせ
Copyright(c)2014 鹿児島秘密基地. All rights reserved.