For those interested in popular therapists!! We would like to provide information for a wonderful moment?
We would like to provide further explanation regarding "Special Reservations," which allow bookings beyond 10 days from now.
The "Special Reservation" applies specifically to therapists, like Ino, whose schedules are generally booked within the next 10 days.
The purpose of the Special Reservation is to allow both regular and new customers to book appointments with popular therapists.
We apologize for any confusion in our previous explanation and appreciate your understanding.
※ Please be aware of the following conditions when making a "Special Reservation":
Additionally, for reservations more than 1 month in advance and 2 months in advance, there are separate conditions regarding information. Please inquire through LINE or by phone to Shinjuku Secret Base for further details. If you have any questions, feel free to contact us.
*Our service isn't included full-service (sex.) Because of the law in Japan (Anti-Prostitution Act), offering sexual intercourse in exchange for money is strictly prohibited.*
Introduction to Shinjuku Secret Base therapists is available here.
PHONE: 0362644662
トップページ | ご夫婦・カップルの方へ |
サービス案内 | 料金システム |
スケジュール | すぐ会える即メン |
セラピスト紹介 | ランキング |
イベント | 前日予約状況 |
口コミ | 求人案内 |
よくあるQ&A | メールマガジン |
利用施設説明 | お問い合わせ |
創業者はこんな人 |
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