We kindly ask for your confirmation once again. Thank you very much for choosing Shinjuku Secret Base.
Today, we would like to remind you of our request regarding "reservation cancellations."
Unlike men, women may experience sudden changes in their health, especially considering the recent impact of the coronavirus. It is entirely natural for individuals to become more sensitive to their health conditions.
Of course, when you're not feeling well, the best course of action is to rest. At Shinjuku Secret Base Group, we prioritize your health. Therefore, we encourage you to first consider your well-being, and when you've recovered, we can adjust the schedule accordingly.
So, if you need to cancel, please do so with some advance notice. Kindly inform the therapist or Shinjuku Secret Base. We understand it might be inconvenient when you're not feeling well, but your cooperation is greatly appreciated.
cancellation Timing Fee
On the day of meeting 100% of the total amount
Before meeting on the day 100% of the total amount
The day before 50% of the course fee
Two days before or earlier None (Next reservation will be same-day)
To ensure everyone enjoys a comfortable experience, the Secret Base Group, including Shinjuku Secret Base, is dedicated to improving services daily. Our therapists look forward to meeting you and prepare eagerly for those who schedule appointments.
They block their schedules and make arrangements with excitement. We kindly ask for your understanding to avoid cancellations close to the reservation date whenever possible.
We appreciate your continued support and look forward to serving you at Shinjuku Secret Base.
PHONE: 0362644662
LINE: https://line.me/ti/p/la-rocx_O4
トップページ | ご夫婦・カップルの方へ |
サービス案内 | 料金システム |
スケジュール | すぐ会える即メン |
セラピスト紹介 | ランキング |
イベント | 前日予約状況 |
口コミ | 求人案内 |
よくあるQ&A | メールマガジン |
利用施設説明 | お問い合わせ |
創業者はこんな人 |
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