2/2 18:13 UP! RESPECT💕(English) AITO(アイト)(29)

AITO(アイト) RESPECT💕(English)
Thank you to everyone I met in January!
Wait... how is it already been a month since the year started?! Is time even real? Are we living in a time warp or something?
Well, let’s keep bending time in February too!

To everyone I met in January—I love you all!!!!
Lately, I’ve been thinking... the people I meet through this job are seriously amazing. Like, I genuinely respect each and every one of you as a person.
I’m truly grateful to have found this job in this industry.
Why? Because honestly, without this job, I don’t think I’d be someone worth meeting—or someone you’d even pay to spend time with.
And you know what? I really believe that. But having found what feels like my calling, I feel so lucky.
For those younger than me, if we were the same age, I probably wouldn’t have been someone you'd even notice.
For those older than me, I’m honored to have the chance to share in the wisdom, experiences, and life lessons you’ve gathered.

And now... February is here, one of my favorite months!
Why? Because Valentine’s Day exists!!! ️ (Yes, I’m that easy to please. LOL)
Let’s make February just as fun and unforgettable as January!



OASIS オアシス